September 2011 - Peak District - Pro Photo Shoot    

In September 2011, I had some professional quality shots of the Integrale done on "The Roaches" in the Peak District.

All the shots in this section were taken by Simon Palmer.  The light on the Sunday he took these photos was stunning.  Equally the location and the car made for the perfect combination.  More of Simon's work can be seen at

Please note that some of the shots will have been digitally enhanced in this section.  The camera really picks up every defect so we took a few liberties (sorry but the shoot was also to provide a momento to the current owner - but I did say we were honest!)

In the "Amateur Shots" section, I have photographed every panel myself and picked out any defects and explained the condition of the vehicle.  It really is good for a 19-year old vehicle but as you would expect there are always things that need tidying up.

Now here is a slideshow of all the shots we did that day ... (click on any photo to enlarge).

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